Environment Concept Art:
Creating Immersive Worlds for Video Games

This case study showcases a collection of environment design work, including both personal explorations and client commissions for video games.

Environment Design Case Study: A Collection of Personal and Client Work


Level Design through Concept Art

Designing Video Game Environments: Striking the Balance Between Aesthetics and Playability

When designing environments for video games, it is essential to strike a balance between aesthetics and playability. The environment should be visually appealing to the player, but it should also be designed to support good gameplay. This includes factors such as:

  • Verticality: The environment should provide opportunities for players to explore different heights, which can add dynamism and excitement to gameplay.

  • Pathways: The environment should have clear pathways that guide the player through the game world. This helps to prevent players from getting lost and frustrated.

  • Leading the player's eye: The environment should use visual cues to lead the player's eye towards important areas, such as objectives or enemies. This helps to keep the player engaged and moving forward.

  • NPC AI: The environment should be designed to take into account the AI of non-player characters (NPCs). This means creating environments that allow NPCs to move around freely and interact with the environment in a realistic way.

By carefully considering all of these factors, concept artists can create video game environments that are both fun and rewarding for players to explore.

Level Design for Concept Artists: A Best-Selling Tutorial

Designing and sketching with level design in mind can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. By using challenges as an opportunity to learn, I have developed a number of techniques that I use whenever I design an environment.

I have compiled these techniques into a tutorial called "Level Design for Concept Artists," which has become a best-seller on several CG online marketplaces, including ArtStation, FlippedNormals, and Cubebrush. It was ranked as one of the Top 20 most sold content items in the year of its release.

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